In the graph above, you can see the typical lifespan curve of an asphalt surface. In the early years, it looks and “holds up” well. As time progresses, exposure to the elements and vehicles takes its cumulative toll, and the overall condition deteriorates at a faster rate. The key is to “inject” proper maintenance to slow the rate of the downward curve, extending the overall usefulness of the surface and extending its total lifespan.
Pavement Maintenance, According to the FHWA
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) uses several definitions when it comes to roadways. Generally, they can also apply to asphalt parking lots and driveways. In some ways, there is overlap among the definitions.
- Pavement preservation: Programs and activities employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet road user expectations.
- Pavement rehabilitation: Structural enhancements that extend the service life of an existing pavement and/or improve its load-carrying capacity.
- Pavement reconstruction: Replacement of the entire existing pavement structure by the placement of the equivalent or increased pavement structure.
Planning to Maximize the Life of an Asphalt Surface
Ironically, when pavement is structurally sound, without signs of significant “problem areas,” it often proves to be the ideal time to perform preventative maintenance. This may consist of periodically filling minor cracks and applying a seal coating.
How can you best maximize the lifespan of an asphalt surface? Work with your trusted asphalt installation and maintenance company. From assessing its current state and recommending any immediate action, to outlining a maintenance program with projected future dates for preventative maintenance work, you can better plan future maintenance expenditures to maximize the overall investment. In the meantime, your asphalt surface will better serve its purpose (and look better!) for all the years in between significant work (and, ultimately, an eventual replacement).
Terra Contracting can help with “all things asphalt”: PARKING LOTS, POTHOLES, PATCHWORK, PAVEMENT. Contact us for a free inspection and guidance to help you manage your asphalt surfaces.